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31 Self-Care Hacks for the Busy Mom

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“Motherhood is NOT a hobby, it’s a calling. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in, it’s what God gave you time for.”  ~Neil L. Anderson

As a mother, harness the sacred beauty all around you to create a life filled with Harmony, Abundance & Grace 

·         Do you find peace, quiet time, solitude or alone time missing from your life?

·         Do you feel alone as you walk this path as a seasoned mom handling all life’s challenges, being a wife, teacher, peacemaker and/or leader in your community?

·         Do you find yourself wondering if you’d feel guilty for taking time for self-care?

If you answered Yes to these, this eBook is for you!

Remember it’s ok to take off the Superwoman Cape!

Find beauty, harmony, abundance & grace in your life Today!
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