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Ho'oponopono Hypnotherapeutic Meditation Script

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Are you a coach, hypnotist, mindfulness/yoga teacher, or spiritual seeker who wants to create a beautiful experience for your clients/self?

I have you covered! Here's a Ho'Oponopono Hypnotherapeutic Meditation Script, ready to use and print. It comes in two files for your convenience, word doc, and PDF format as an instant download.

Ho'oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice for clearing, and forgiveness, potent on its own and even more so in this hypnosis-created script. Have you heard of this beautiful healing modality before? If not you are in for a treat! It’s a powerful cleansing and clearing technique that I adore working within my own life regularly.

In this hypnotherapeutic meditation script, we explore our energy and return to any unhealed, unclaimed, unresolved points in our life and practice. Ho’Oponopono is already very potent as a tool but in a hypnotic state, I feel it’s amplified even more. I make it a point to practice this style of meditation for myself at least 2x a year and what I find is that I resolve so much karmic energy,  relationships that are stagnant can clear or strengthen into the future in a way that leaves me feeling so much more personal acceptance, self-compassion, and self-love. It creates energetic freedom and is amazing for when you want a great life change!

I highly recommend recording it for yourself and listening to it when you can do so safely, it will help you break through challenges again and again! The suggestions within create feelings of gratitude, forgiveness and acceptance.
You will get the following files:
  • PDF (61KB)
  • DOCX (13KB)