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Get ready for the homeschool makeover of your dreams!

Are you so ready to ditch the clutter chaos but still want your children to have toys?

Are you ready to replace homeschool frustration with peace and harmony?

Are you 100% committed to a happier homeschool home but need those first steps to get you started? 

Then this workshop is for you!

At home with little kiddos, I know you can feel....

  • So overwhelmed with chaos that you aren’t seeing the baby steps to getting back your inner peace and don't even know if it's possible to have the mental capacity to change anything.
  • Like there is a lot of pressure on you to be “supermom” 100% of the time for your children (that can feel totally draining)
  • That you need some support, but the “right” support. Your personal values are important! Not just any old advice will do.

But I'm here to tell you it gets to be easy and fun!

(Even if you are the first one in your family to create this intentional life for your home and the people around you do not understand why you are doing it “the hard way.”)

Imagine your home is finally a place where: 

YOU feel relaxed and have more energy

Your children are free to be children with a mom totally present with them

Your home is set up exactly to serve your children’s needs

You are so confident in your parenting (no mom guilt!)

You and your children are THRIVING together

This is why I created Total Homeschool Makeover: Montessori Edition

In this workshop we'll lay the foundations of how to build a harmonious home so that the learning happens naturally, mom has more peace instead of constantly frazzled from never-ending toy cleanup, and kiddos are thriving because they are no longer overstimulated from the clutter and they are able to tap into the learning power of their imagination.

This is for you if you are,

  • A mama intending on homeschooling with 1 or multiple kiddos, ages 4 and under
  • A stay at home mom wanting her children to have their best at home experience
  • A mom of a baby or toddler setting you happy home up now in these formative early years (even if you have older children)
  • Interested in learning about the Montessori Principles

What's included

🌟 Juicy workshop

🌟 Facebook group for community and support from me and other moms just like you

🌟 Questions answered in the FB group

🌟 Optional Upgraded Support 🌟 chat support via telegram or voxer to help you start implementing the principles I will teach you. It's one thing to know the principles and steps to reach them, but it's ACTION that turns your dreams into your reality! I have found that my clients love this access to me because I am able to help them take the confusion out of what implementation looks like in their unique home and family and answer their questions quickly so that they can make substantial change faster than doing it on their own!

Choose a pricing plan

Makeover Workshop


Workshop + 1 week messaging support

We will decide together when the messaging support starts. You will have to watch the workshop first.