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The Energy Remedy

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The Energy Remedy - ER for Your Soul! - Slay Publications © Copyright 2024

Learn the power of your personal energy.

Understand your God-worth and what that means for your physical life in energy terms.

Learn POSITIVE POWER PHRASES that will change your life the day you start applying them.

✅ Learn how your eternal soul is infinite energy.

✅ Learn how your rising life force has meaning and value and purpose.

✅ Learn how you are energy before you are flesh.

✅ Learn how your eternal soul glows and is worth more than all the gold in the world.

✅ Learn how you are destined to live a life of abundance and peace and joy.

With the Energy Remedy, You Learn How to Claim it! Because it's Yours to Claim.

The Energy Remedy is all about helping you raise your frequency vibrations and align with your highest, God-ordained self. To help your soul awaken from energy slumber and reset your energy awareness. Cleanse your energy of any and all low flowing negative energy and raise your active frequency to match the rising frequency of your highest self. There is power in energy.

The big cosmic energy secret is... you have that power, too!

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