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Fruit Feast Detox Guide

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Eye didn't always have flawless skin, endless energy, great digestion, flexible joints, defined muscles, mental clarity or deep restful sleep.  

Eye only had recurring breakouts, dips in energy, tummy aches, migraines, charlie horses, inflamed physique, brain fog. Eye felt drained and not quite fulfilled with the direction of my life, even while eating a “Vegan” diet, something just wasn’t right. Eye was desperate for change.  

Then one day Eye discovered the Fruit Feasting as a form of detoxification. At first, Eye was a bit hesitant to give it a try and felt a bit skeptical, but because Eye had already tried most other diets, and saw great results from people like Orvel Douglas, Annette Larkins, Aris Latham, John Rose, Dr. Douglas Graham, Eyei gave it a shot. 

In just one day, Eye noticed a huge burst in my energy, ease of digestion, and amazing sleep. 

Eye was mind-blown by how impactful a simple switch in my food choices had made.

Now, Eye have amazing skin, toned and defined muscles, consistent high energy and light-heartedness, Flawless Digestion, Superhuman Strength, crazy flexibility, increased physical and sexual endurance, more oxygen and “bloodflow” to my vital organs, mental clarity and sharpness, and the best most restorative sleep ever!

And Eye help others experience the miraculous healing benefits of this delicious way of eating, using Fruit-Based Detox Programs.

This Guidebook includes:

Fruit Detox Instructions/Protocol
Nutrition Advice
Meal Plan
Grocery Guide
Tips and Exercises for overcoming Emotional Eating
Jordan’s Personal Story
Support Group/Community
and much more!

The Potential Benefits of this Detox include but not limited to:

Weight Loss
Increased Energy
Mental Clarity
Joint Pain Relief
Clearer Skin
Better Sleep
Reduced Inflammation
More Discipline
More Willpower
More Muscle Definition
More Synchronicity/Serendipity
Improved clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance
Deeper sense of self-awareness and connectedness with All
and so much more!

Results may vary due to other factors such as genetics, environment, and mental health.

DISCLAIMER: Eye am not a medical professional. Eye do not cure diseases (the body does that.) If you have any medical issues, please consult a trusted, plant-based medical professional at your own risk.

If you're ready to crawl out of a rut you didn't know you were in, Download this Fruit Feast Detox Guidebook and begin your healing Journey Today!. 

Interested in one-on-one coaching to implement the information in the book? Jordan has over 4 years of Detoxification and health coaching experience and is happy to help. 

Send me an e-mail at:

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