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The Perils and Solutions of Overconsumption - An Overview

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This article offers an in-depth sociological analysis of overconsumption, exploring its multifaceted impacts, root causes, and potential remedies. It underscores the intricate relationship between economic systems, social structures, and environmental sustainability. Overconsumption is framed as a socio-environmental issue that questions the viability of capitalist economies and exacerbates social inequalities. The environmental repercussions, such as resource depletion and climate change, are discussed in economic and environmental sociology, focusing on environmental justice for marginalized communities. Social implications include income inequality, labour exploitation, and the emergence of an "eco-elite" class. The document scrutinizes the triggers of overconsumption, including advertising and societal pressures, and its wide-ranging consequences like financial stress and ethical dilemmas. It proposes various solutions, from individual actions like conscious consumerism to systemic interventions like government policies and global cooperation. The paper concludes by suggesting areas for further research, emphasizing the need for systemic change.

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