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IRONCOCK [V2] - Extreme Male Enhancement - Quantum Boosted Morphic Field

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I’ve been working on this project since the very positive feedback on previous version "IRONCOCK".

I went really, really deep with morphic and energy programming in this, so expect maybe UNEXPECTED outcome from this.

I’ve used quantum morphic programming, energy programming, reiki charging, my physic powers and bunch of precisely crafted subliminal messages that are designed to be instantly rooted deep into your subconsciousness.

To obtain maximum potentional of growth i used several proved hormonal changes that will rapidly increase the size of your member, no matter the age. There will be an expression of ARs (Androgen recpetors) and DHT compression in corpus cavernosa (erectile tissues leading to erection). I also added field for inhibition of PDE5 (plays a role in the regulation of blood flow leading to the relaxation and constriction of smooth muscles in the corpus cavernosum of the penis, acts like Viagra and prevents ED.) To boost this even more, i added very strong energy stimulation for rapid and strong production of Nitric Oxide (NO) in these areas. (plays a crucial role in relaxing the smooth muscles of the blood vessels in the penis, allowing increased blood flow and contributing to the process of achieving and maintaining an erection.) The high technology subliminal messages and my physic powers will took place to directly use divine energy for growth of penis tissue, instantly. (1111hz)


➢ Extreme growth stimulation of penis tissue

➢ Extreme erections

➢ ED prevention

➢ PE prevention

➢ ARs expression in corpus cavernosa

➢ DHT compression in corpus cavernosa

➢ Inhibition of PDE5

➢ Viagra-like effect

➢ Extreme Nitric Oxide production

➢ Divine energy manipulation

➢ 1111hz

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Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

1 year ago

Worked instantly

Worked right away best male enhancement field out


Verified Buyer

1 year ago

Worked instantly

Worked right away best male enhancement field out


Verified Buyer

1 year ago


This is extremely explosively powerful, the freaking god damm rock hard savage erections I’ve been having are through the roof. Even the veins in my erections are becoming way more vascular of all the blood 🩸 that I’m pumping everyday. Many blessings Adonis Field 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼!


Verified Buyer

1 year ago


Adonis Field you really hit the sweet spot with this one. If the first one was really good, the second one is extremely powerful I’m beginning to see some serious results. My erections are so hard that it’s like diamond steel stage 4 rock hard! Thanks again bro I really appreciate you you have my blessing.