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My God, Our Plan Book

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Are you always fighting to get ALL the things on your never ending to-do list?

Do you end your day and can barely sleep because you are too tired and yet not EVERYTHING got done?

When was the last time you had “FREE” time?

Ministry work is VERY rewarding but it’s also VERY demanding.

Unfortunately time management and stewardship are NOT usually taught or discussed.

My God, Our Plan is looking to remedy that and to fill the void in the ministry world.

As believers we are called to administer well ALL the gifts and resources God has given us. My God, Our Plan will help you become more time accountable and better able to say yes when appropriate and when to say no (yes, that’s part of being a good steward too).

I know this book/workbook will bless you and help you as much as it has and is helping me.