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Say Bye Scarcity and poverty money mindset,

Sell confidently & Earn more without fear,

Stick to you plan and manage money without anxiety,

And do it all while keeping your hear on Jesus


But don't just take my word for it; here's what Sarah has to say about their experiences:

" Before working with Raina, I will freeze on sale calls and the thought of looking at my numbers was so overwhelming. I couldn't bring myself to do it because it caused so much anxiety.

Since joining BMM, I not only look at my numbers, but I actually get excited about it!

I've increased my prices and got 4 new clients. Raina has made this whole process fun – something I never thought I'd say about dealing with money!

I've had a total shift in my mindset – not only with finances but with life and business.

I know you may be looking at it going, maybe I can't have this or I don't have enough, but the flip side is if you don't invest, you'll just keep going in the cycle doing the same thing over and over and over.

So it's 100% worth it. It's an investment. And again, even somebody with a scarcity mindset like I have had, you can't do it without help. And Raina is that go-to.

Raina has such a fun, knowledgeable, and compassionate approach to Biblical Money Mindset. I would not have been able to get to this level of awareness without her and our heavenly Father guiding the way.

I know just from having a scarcity mindset that making any sort of purchase can be a battle, but don't look at this as a purchase. It's an investment in yourself. It's an investment in your business. It's an investment in your finances.

Thank you very much. Sarah Moffat"

You can listen to her testimonial on the Fun Money Habits Podcast Ep. 34 Breaking from from Scarcity


Are you a female Christian entrepreneur longing to let go of scarcity and poverty mindsets so you can take your business to new heights, but find yourself held back by limiting beliefs about money, success, and your own worth?

Do you desire to align your money decisions with biblical principles so you can honour God with your business and finances?

Look no further! Raina, your dedicated Christian money mindset and fun money habits coach, is here to help you on a transform your relationship with money with her exclusive 60-day program, the Biblical Money Mindset.

Rewire your brain with biblical principles

In the Biblical Money Mindset program, Raina combines her deep-rooted faith in Jesus Christ with powerful biblical principles to help you break free from money blocks and cultivate a stewarding money mindset.

With Raina's expert guidance, you will learn to get out of your unhealthy thinking patterns with a unique framework and fun money habits all while keeping your heart firmly anchored in Christ so money and success will not become an idol.


Tailored 1:1 coaching

Your money story is unique so you need a tailored plan to help you shift your money mindset with biblical principles so you can earning more and look at your numbers without fear.

Proven framework method

A simple framework that will help you stop the cycle of self-doubt, indecision and anxiety so you can move past your money blocks and take actions in faith toward reaching your goals.

Unlimited Messages

You are always one message away from another breakthrough. Get ongoing support between calls so you keep moving forward and apply new habits to win the battle in your mind.

Co-working session

Accountability is essential for tackling challenging tasks and overcoming obstacles! Work on your most important goals and receive guidance to overcome any mindset blocks that may arise along the way.


Having a fun money routine that helps you stick to your money plan so you can be consistent with your progress and reach your money goals faster.

Instead of going in circles, you'll learn how to reframe your thoughts, overcome overwhelm, and address imposter behaviours.

This newfound mindset empowers you to fulfil your true calling, steward money in a way that feel good so you can make a positive impact, and approach earning money and sales with confidence.

Are you ready!

Don't let a scarcity money mindset hold you back from experiencing a breakthrough. Payment plans are available, ensuring that you have the opportunity to participate in this personalised 1:1 program. 

I am eager to collaborate with you on this transformative journey, which will not only revolutionise your mindset but also have a profound impact on your life. This program is tailored for your needs so if you want to know how it will help you reach your goals faster book a call, you have nothing to lose!


I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the incredible coaching call we recently had. It was an absolute pleasure to engage in a conversation where I felt comfortable, knowing that I could freely share my thoughts and experiences without fear of judgment, especially when it came to my finances.

During our time together, I had a profound realization that had a significant impact on me - I still needed to forgive my Mom. Surprisingly, I had thought I had done this before she passed away,

assuming there was no unresolved baggage between us. However, our coaching session opened my eyes to the fact that there was more healing and forgiveness work to be done.

I want to express my gratitude for the information you shared with me, especially the reset process technique. It has already begun to make a positive difference in my life. One tool that has become an integral part of my daily routine is the Forgiveness Prayer. Incorporating it into my daily prayers has been incredibly powerful and transformative.

The journey of forgiveness is a deeply personal one, and I appreciate your guidance and support throughout this process. Your wisdom and insights have been invaluable, and I cannot thank you enough for helping me navigate this emotional terrain.