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Check your metabolic status

Take control of your health by establishing whether you are insulin resistant i.e. not responding appropriately to insulin.

Knowledge is power

It is generally believed that obesity causes insulin resistance.

And whenever someone is obese – it is just a matter of time, before their excess fat cells catch up with them and give them metabolic diseases, like cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes.

This is NOT TRUE.

The reality is, a percentage of overweight/obese people have excellent metabolism.  On the flip side, a percentage skinny people have seriously defective metabolism.  


About 30 % of morbidly are metabolically healthy and on the flip side of this, around 30 % of people, who would be considered “normal” weight, are in metabolic trouble.

Your BMI (body mass index) will not “tell you”, which camp you are in.

You need to know whether you are insulin resistant and if you are……… tackle this.

Insulin resistance underpins the lifestyle diseases.

Metabolic status check


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