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Celebration Bundle

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In July, I turned 56 with grace and gratitude. This special occasion is a time for reflection on the transformative journey that began six years ago. 

I am delighted to introduce the Signature Birthday Bundle to express my appreciation. This exclusive offering brings together the three products that marked the beginning of my journey: a signature tee, a mug, and a keepsake affirmation box. This thoughtfully curated collection captures the very essence of Liv Vibrantly, serving as a profound reminder of your inherent worth and strength.

For a limited time, you can receive this incredible bundle at a special price of $56.00.

It's a perfect opportunity to create space for self-care in your life or surprise someone special with a gift that captures the spirit of Liv Vibrantly—an intentional life filled with self-love and empowerment.

Take advantage of this special offer. Embrace the essence of Liv Vibrantly with the Signature Birthday Bundle—a symbol of your journey and a reminder to live life with intention, self-love, and empowerment.

Celebrate with me and embrace the vibrant essence of Liv Vibrantly today.

The Birthday Bundle Includes:

  • Signature Affirmation Tee
  • This beautiful, hand-decorated keepsake box is filled with over 100 I AM Affirmations. It is a reminder that your words are powerful. What you think and say has the power to transform your life.
  • Signature Affirmation Mug
  • Bonus: Free mini-pack of Note to Self Cards

Heartfelt, thank you,
