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summary of the book "Cyber Impact.. How does the Internet change the behavior of humans?"

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What is cyber? What does cyber mean by self? How does the Internet change the behavior of humans?? Why are so many people addicted to social media?What is forced shopping? What is forced play?

You will find the answers to the previous questions in the summary of the book "Cyber Impact.. How does the Internet change the behavior of humans?"
Author:Mary Aiken
Human life is witnessing great changes due to the impact of cyberspace - cyber - on human behavior, yes, real life is distinguished from cyberspace, but there are many new standards introduced and emerging in cyberspace from which they migrate to our real lives and affect them, and vice versa, which makes the boundary between the two spaces almost non-existent, and cyber is "the study of the impact of technological development on human behavior", so we find that the feeling that one's identity is unknown in cyberspace enhances his (unreservation), Thus, not feeling embarrassed by what he says or does, and therefore we are living a very unique stage in the history of mankind, the spread of a lot of new technologies leads to the work of confusion on ideas, and also entails earthquakes in the lifestyle and thinking, which led to changing our relationships with others, and since you use this cyberspace and cut off part of your time to live in it, you have to know some things to deal with it, by understanding the nature of human behavior, and how our behavior changes on the air ( i.e. cyberspace).

Who is this book for?
For those looking to understand the relationship of the Internet to the formation of human behavior.
For those interested in knowing the impact of the Internet and social networks in the formation of abnormal behaviors and behaviors.
For those wishing to monitor the impact of the Internet on the spread of narcissism.
For those who want to understand the impact of the Internet in pushing a person towards isolation, loneliness and depression.
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