Exotic Jade Textures AM-14
File size 256x256 or 128x256 or 512x512
Format file: MESH, JPG, PNG, CHKN, maps and instructions.
All parts are 3d modeled. - MINIMUM PROFIT SET 100 CREDITS FOR MESHES
Products DO NOT include resell right UNLESS I GIVE PERMISSION.
The textures CAN NOT be resold or redistributed in whole or part as stock.
Textures CAN be used on ALT accounts and can be recolored or changed as you like.
DO NOT claim any of my files as your own, share, gift, trade, sell, give any of my files.
All meshes/textures are made by me. Some are made by others with rights to sell them.
By buying this file you agree to all Terms & Conditions any violation in these terms will result in a DMCA being filed.