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Seeking Truth At The Intersection of Faith, Economics and Policy

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Our world is filled with half-truths, lies and spin. It is vitally important to seek and to find the truth.


You and I may differ on our understanding of Faith, Economics and Policy, but we can hopefully have a respectful dialogue, always seeking to discover the truth.


These essays, written across more than a decade, are curated here by subject, with updated and accurate references.


“Right on target, Parker. I agree with every word of this. Thank you for clarifying some issues I was a bit “fuzzy” on. Keep on sharing the truth!”

Margaret Fuson


Hopefully these subjects will help launch engagement between friends, family members and colleagues.


As usual (and as I and I’m sure many others have come to expect from you), Parker, this is spot-on. Thanks again for the clarity with which you communicate and the fundamental values and Christian worldview that is articulated. I will try to share your words with others so they too can benefit as I have.”

Doug Van Dyke

Whether you’d like to do your own research, or just enjoy these thoughts and conclusions, I hope these essays will challenge and inform you.


This really hit me hard, You have such a way of touching my heart. I am printing this and keeping it with my prayer list for those that are on my heart. As always, I thank God for you and the gift He has given you.”

Pamela Cantrell

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