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Inception Points

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Inception, the point at which something begins. In fluid dynamics, inception points are points of change, where one state of being becomes another, as when water flowing down a spillway suddenly becomes aerated. In this pattern, inception points are additional garter tabs where new wedges spring up and change the direction of the top line.

This shawl pattern begins with a traditional garter tab, and utilizes the same tab construction at points along the leading edge to create new wedges of knitting. This creates a stepped top line that curls in on itself, circling the neck and shoulders for a unique but easy to wear finished piece. The pattern can be easily expanded or reduced by adding or reducing the number of wedges created.

Instruction Style

The pattern instructions are fully written; you do not need to use the charts to work the pattern.

The pattern instructions are partially charted; charts are included for the lace motifs, but you will need to refer to the written instructions to place the charts in each wedge.

Materials Needed

- @800 yards of laceweight yarn with good drape

- 3.25mm (US 3) needle or size needed for a pleasing fabric

- OPTIONAL: 28 stitch markers to mark lace motif repeats; 8 additional stitch markers to mark borders and internal spines between wedges

A Note on Gauge

I do not consider gauge to be essential for a lace shawl. Instead, I recommend swatching for a fabric you like. If your gauge is markedly different from that given in the pattern, you will need to adjust your yardage accordingly.

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