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PrestaShop Module : Customer Address related emails

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The Customer Address Related Emails module allows your customers to associate different email addresses with their billing and shipping addresses, offering greater flexibility and control over where important order and invoice information is sent. This is particularly useful for customers who may want to send invoices to an accounting department while receiving delivery updates at a different email address.

Key Features:

  • Email Association Per Address: Customers can easily add a unique email address for each of their delivery or billing addresses. Whether they want invoices sent to one address and order confirmations to another, this module provides full customization.
  • Send PDF Invoices to Different Emails: Allow customers to designate a separate email address to receive PDF invoices, improving communication with stakeholders such as accountants or purchasing departments.
  • Edit and Manage Emails: Customers can:
  • Add new emails to any of their saved addresses.
  • Edit or update existing associated emails if changes are required.
  • Delete an associated email address for any address they no longer use.
  • Streamlined User Experience: Integrates seamlessly into the customer’s address management section, making it easy for users to manage emails associated with their addresses when placing orders.
  • Multiple Email Recipients: During the order process, customers can specify which email addresses should receive notifications, ensuring important information is always sent to the correct person.


  • Enhanced Customer Flexibility: Give your customers full control over their communication preferences. They can assign emails for order notifications, delivery updates, and invoices to different addresses, making it easier for businesses with multiple departments to manage orders.
  • Improve B2B Communication: Perfect for B2B customers who need invoices sent to specific departments or contacts while maintaining separate delivery email addresses for their logistics teams.
  • Simplified Address Management: Customers can manage both their delivery and invoice emails in one place, saving time and effort.
  • Boost Customer Satisfaction: Offering this level of customization improves the overall customer experience and reduces confusion about who receives order-related communications.


  • PrestaShop Versions: Fully compatible with PrestaShop 1.7 and 8.
  • Browsers: Works flawlessly across all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Yandex Browser.

Technical Specifications:

  • Files Included: JavaScript, PHP, CSS

The Customer Address Related Emails module is an essential tool for any PrestaShop store that caters to B2B customers or individuals who need the flexibility of assigning different email addresses for invoices, orders, and delivery updates. This module simplifies communication and makes managing orders more efficient for your customers, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

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