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Soul pattern self

Do you have healing abilties?

Maybe your hands tingle.

Maybe you long to help your children or pets.

Maybe it’s time to discover how powerful you truly are.

Ancient tools back to life

In the days of Atlantis, this healing modality was a part of every household. It was ingrained in our culture. 

Soul Pattern was the tapestry of Atlantis culture in so many ways.

The time to bring back these habits is now!!

This self-study course will allow you to heal yourself and your family.

This level does not include the ability to use the energy on paid clients. You also cannot create your own energies from this healing. However, it WILL help you become confident in your healing abilities!!

Every recording I will go through parts of the manual. The course is divided into 6 explanations and 1 attunement.

Here’s what you will be able to do on yourself/your loved ones:

  • Ground your energy
  • Remove oaths, vows, contracts, beliefs and blocks
  • Access your Soul Pattern or your kid’s Soul Pattern (or partner with permission)
  • Edit, add, remove patterns
  • Clear your Energy field 
  • Balance your Chakras
  • Run Teachings
  • Remove Trauma
  • Clear Emotions
  • Run Blessings 
  • Heal your allergies
  • Teach your body how to heal and absorb nutrients
  • Activate your DNA up to 1080 strands
  • Run the included frequencies on yourself: Anchors Away, Astrological Disconnect, Bend Time, Brain Fog Be Gone, Breast Cancer be Gone, Cancer be Gone, Find the Magic, Grief Disconnect, Live on Earth, Money Tree, PMS Be Gone, Twin Flame Forgiveness, Violet Flame, Vitamin C, Weight Regulation.

  • You cannot: record, use on a client, use on others outside your family or to be paid for healing. This is ONLY for yourself, husband/wife/partner or child.

  • You can upgrade to the Full Basic Certification of Soul Pattern™ (Which will be a discounted rate for you) when you are ready to do so, and it will contain more topics, ability to create your own frequencies, and use this modality professionally).

Course curriculum

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