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Eisenhower Matrix (EN, FR)

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Format: PDF and PNG (both formats included)

Languages: EN, FR

Resolution: 1404x1872 px (monochrome)

Stay organized, focused, and efficient with our suite of templates designed for e-ink devices.

Our Eisenhower Matrix template is a powerful tool for time management and task prioritization. By categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance, you can focus on the most critical activities and eliminate low-priority distractions.

Key Features:

  • Clear and concise layout: Easily visualize your tasks and their priorities.
  • Customizable categories: Tailor the matrix to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Easy-to-use interface: Simply write down tasks into the appropriate quadrant.

You will get the following files:
  • PNG (64KB)
  • PNG (66KB)

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