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Aulavik Mittens

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Way up at the top of the map, on an island as big as Ireland but with just 112 residents, is the most idyllic national park in the world. Aulavik National Park1 in the Northwest Territories, showcasing the lush lowlands of northern Banks Island, is a polar paradise – of crystalline rivers, romping muskox, breeding birds, and ancient artefacts. Evidence of human presence in Aulavik National Park dates back 3,500 years, to the pre-Dorset cultures who left tent rings, flint scrapers and bone harpoon heads near Shoran Lake.

These cozy mittens carry a motif inspired by scrimshaw artefacts left by Dorset and Thule peoples who followed after the pre-Dorset cultures. They are worked at a fairly tight gauge in aran weight yarn to increase their warmth and wind resistance; an excellent choice for hikers and campers in the far North of Canada.

Materials Needed:

- 3.75mm (US 5) circular needle or dpns for working small circumference or size needed for gauge

- 3.5mm (US 4) circular needle or dpns for working small circumference or one size smaller than needle used for gauge

- Small @81y Main Colour and @31y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Medium @103y Main Colour and @39y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Large @122y Main Colour and @46y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Scrap yarn or two flexible stitch holders

- Darning needle

- Non-matching stitch markers for start/end of round and thumb gusset (optional)

Gauge: 22 sts x 27 rows = 10cm (@4”)

Gauge is given for the unblocked stranded motif worked in the round.

Estimated Finished Sizes (measured around the hand below the first finger knuckles):

small = @6” hand circumference

medium = @7” hand circumference

large = @8” hand circumference

  1. pronounced approximately as OWL-a-veek 

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