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Vsk Revolution Time Differential Scoring System

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User Manual

Vsk Revolution Time Differential Scoring System


The Vsk Revolution Time Differential Scoring System is a specialized tool designed for evaluating performance based on time differentials relative to a predefined base time. This system is particularly useful in competitive events where precise scoring adjustments are crucial for determining standings. The scoring mechanism is built upon a base score of 12 points, with precise adjustments made based on how closely a participant's time aligns with the base time.

Scoring Formula and Calculation

Base Score: 12 points

Adjustment Factor: 0.020000 points per second of time difference

The scoring system adjusts the base score based on the time differential between the participant’s recorded time and the base time. The adjustment is made as follows:

Positive Time Differential: When the participant's time is slower than the base time, the score is reduced.

Negative Time Differential: When the participant's time is faster than the base time, the score is increased.

Detailed Points Calculation Example

Establishing the Base Time:

Base Time: 26 minutes 30 seconds (26:30)

This time corresponds to a base score of 12 points.

Example Calculation 1:

Participant's Time: 26 minutes 55 seconds (26:55)

Time Difference: 26:55 - 26:30 = 25 seconds

Adjustment Calculation:

Difference = 25 seconds

Adjustment Factor = 0.020000 points/second

Adjustment = 25 seconds × 0.020000 points/second = 0.50 points

Score Calculation:

Since the participant's time is slower than the base time, the score is reduced.

Score = 12 - 0.50 = 11.50 points

Example Calculation 2:

Participant's Time: 26 minutes 15 seconds (26:15)

Time Difference: 26:15 - 26:30 = -15 seconds (faster time)

Adjustment Calculation:

Difference = -15 seconds

Adjustment Factor = 0.020000 points/second

Adjustment = -15 seconds × 0.020000 points/second = -0.30 points

Score Calculation:

Since the participant's time is faster than the base time, the score is increased.

Score = 12 + 0.30 = 12.30 points

User Manual

1. Selecting an Event

Purpose: Choose the event for which you are entering results. This selection determines which base time and scoring parameters are applied.

How to Select:

Locate the dropdown menu labeled "Select Race."

Click the dropdown and choose one of the following events:

Course 1

Course 2

2. Input Best Race Time

Purpose: Provide the best time achieved in the selected race event to be used as the base time for scoring.

How to Input:

Enter the time in the format mm:ss (minutes and seconds).

For example, to enter 26 minutes and 30 seconds, type 26:30.

3. Upload Results File

Purpose: Load a CSV file containing race results data for calculation.

How to Upload:

Click the "Choose File" button to open a file dialog.

Select the CSV file from your computer that contains the race results.

Click the "Upload and Calculate" button to process the file.

4. Viewing Results

Event Results Table:

Displays results specific to the selected event.

Columns include:

Player Login: Identifier for the participant.

Events Entered: Number of events the participant has entered.

Current Race Time: Time of the latest race entry in the format hh:mm:ss.

Accumulated Event Points: Total points accumulated for the event.

Master Results Table:

Displays accumulated series results across all events.

Columns include:

Player Login: Identifier for the participant.

Events Entered: Total number of events the participant has entered.

Total Race Time: Total race time accumulated in the format hh:mm:ss.

Accumulated Series Points: Total points accumulated across all 

5. Calculating Scores

Purpose: Score each participant based on their performance relative to the base time.

Calculation Process:

Convert Time to Seconds: Calculate the difference between the participant’s time and the base time in seconds.

Apply Adjustment Factor: Multiply the time difference by the adjustment factor (0.020000).

Calculate Score: Adjust the base score based on whether the time was slower or faster than the base time.



function calculateScore(raceTimeMs, bestTimeInSeconds) {

  const baseTimeMs = bestTimeInSeconds * 1000;

  const difference = (raceTimeMs - baseTimeMs) / 1000;

  const score = difference > 0 ? 12 - (difference * 0.020000) : 12 + (-difference * 0.020000);

  return Math.max(score, 0).toFixed(6);


Positive Time Difference: Score is reduced.

Negative Time Difference: Score is increased.

7. Troubleshooting

No File Selected:

Ensure that you have selected a CSV file before clicking "Upload and Calculate."

Invalid Time Format:

Verify that the time is entered correctly in the format mm:ss. Remove any extra characters or spaces.

File Format Issues:

Ensure the file is a CSV and that it adheres to the expected format for the data.

You will get a ZIP (3KB) file

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