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Event Creation Academy 4wk New Event Planners Prog

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Event Creation Academy

​How many Events could you have Hosted this year?

Imagine connecting with existing clients, attracting new clients and uniting your purpose with your passion!


​The Event Creation Academy program is for new event planners who don't currently have their own Signature Event and entrepreneurs, coaches, authors and speakers who are ready to add Events to their business model to stand out in their industry

Event Creation Academy provides behind-the-scenes logistics to move your vision forward.
There are hundreds of events, from small intimate, private, to elaborate, one-day presentations to multi-day conferences. More than 80% of Corporations who add events to their business model have seen a great return on investment. Whether through hosting trade shows, executive roundtables, conferences, celebrations, private parties, fashion shows (think Mercedes Benz, New York Fashion
Week), fundraisers, 5K Walk or Run, Banquets, Awards, the idea vault for creating, designing, managing and hosting your very own Signature Event is endless.

If there's been a disconnect with your clients or target market, then why wait another season or year watching your customer base and revenue shrink? It's time for your customers to proudly and excitedly say they were at your latest and greatest event!

Get started today...
Create your own platform through an event that attracts your ideal customers and clients. You attend other people's events, see their great turn-out, network with your ideal connections at their events and KNOW it's now time for you to host your own.

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of organizing an event and having to work alone trying to pull all the moving parts together? ​Do you have trouble coming up with creative ways to keep your business thriving? ​Is your repeat customer nonexistent due to little to no engagement?

​If you have never hosted your very own Signature Event, then you don't want to miss this step-by-step program. Through the Event Creation Academy, You learn the secrets to Create, Design and Host your phenomenal event. Whether Corporate, Private, Public, Celebrity, Community or Nonprofit Event!
Choose to enroll in the following program level(s):
  • Do-it-Yourself, 4 weeks
  • Done-with-You, 6 weeks or
  • Done-for-You, 8 - 12 weeks
See more details below. Events enable you to stand out in your industry, provide unique opportunities to reconnect with your existing clients, provide a new space to gather with your target audience, unite your purpose and passion in a way that supports your heart-centered Cause, and in turn boosts your revenue through multiple streams.

Let's Event It! There is NO LIMIT to the imagination when it comes to developing a timely, strategic, one-of-a-kind event you'd be proud to put your signature on.

Modules include Do It Yourself:
Week 1. Assessment
Week 2. Authenticate
Week 3. Accounting
Week 4. Action

Week 5. Activate
Week 6. Amaze

7. Ask
8. Acquire

Here's How Your Event Takes Shape!

MODULE 1 Assessment - Let's Capture the Big Picture! Assess where are you with your current event? If you don't yet have one, this Module enables you to get started on Creating one.

MODULE 2 Authenticate - Put YOUR Signature On It. Module 2 Unites your purpose and passion to discover your BIG WHY, and Design an Event around it, to expand upon your business vision and goals.

MODULE 3 Activate - Develop Your Event Outline. Using the BluePrint from the Event Planners Checklist, we go Step-by-Step to Develop a Task List so Nothing Slips through the Cracks.

​MODULE 4 Accounting - Develop a Realistic Profit Plan. A Realistic Budget is a must, with a Spending Plan and a Profit Plan so each Event is Maximized to Leverage Your Unique Position in the Marketplace.

MODULE 5 Amaze - Craft Messaging that Gets Results. Connecting with Your Desired Target Audience for Each Event, Increases Attendance, Attracts New Customers, Helps Retain Existing Clients, Unites your purpose and passion, Creates New Revenue Streams.

​MODULE 6 Attract - Design Internal/External Communications. A Marketing Campaign with a Strategic Plan to Develop a Cohesive Process for Your Behind-the-Scenes Event Logistics and Marketing Tools for the Public from Materials to Digital Platforms.

MODULE 7 Ask - Collaborate with Power Partners. Whether a Peer Organization, Vendors, Government Partners, Corporate Partners or More. Be Positioned to Work through Strategic Partnerships to Accomplish Your Event Goals.

​MODULE 8 Acquire - Identify Your Ideal Digital Landscape. Knowing which Platform Your Ideal Clients frequent Gets You Noticed. Whether Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Others. We Map Out the Landscape.

Along With: Members Area, Private Facebook Community 'Let's Event It, Coaching/Q&A weekly Support

​Get Access NOW ---- The Event Creation Academy is your answer if:
  • you have no Signature Event as a new Event Planner / Entrepreneur, such as an Author, Coach or Speaker
  • you feel as if your business is in a stand-still
  • you hosted your first event & didn’t get desired results
  • you’re ready to showcase a new product, service or program
  • you want to enhance relationships and engagement with clients
  • you want to expand your reach
  • you want to increase exposure
  • you want to boost employee morale
  • you want to host events to build your business
Select and enroll in the Event Creation Academy to get on the list now for the next session (launching in Fall 2021). Enrollment limited to groups of 15. Enjoy weekly meet up via digital platform and telesummit. Members only platform with access to written content, live teaching and video presentations. Submit questions with Event Creation Academy in the Subject line, to
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