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Saluki Icon Base

On Sale
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Please read before purchasing!

-Do not resell, trade, or giveaway the base or share the base with anyone who has no purchased the rights to its use.

-You may resell recolors made on this base but you cannot sell an edited version of the base. You may resell recolors for any currency and on any site.

-Do not delete my sig or claim as your own. Please give credit for the base.

-Base is in .psd format and is intended for use in programs that can open .psds (PS, Sai, Gimp, etc).

-Layers are labelled and in folders.

-File dimensions are 400 x 400 and can be resized for your liking.

-No refunds. All purchases are final. If you are having trouble with the download please let me know and provide proof of purchase.
You will get a PSD (786KB) file