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174 Powerful "ASKFIRMATIONS" To Make Money Online and Abundance

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"Askfirmations" are a term that combines "affirmations" and "questions." They are a positive self-improvement technique that involves asking yourself empowering and positive questions as a way to shift your mindset and focus on what you want to achieve. Askfirmations are a variation of affirmations, which are positive statements you repeat to yourself to help reprogram your subconscious mind and promote a positive attitude.

The idea behind askfirmations is that by framing your goals or desires as questions, you engage your mind in seeking solutions and possibilities, rather than just making declarative statements. For example, instead of saying, "I am confident," you might ask yourself, "Why am I so confident?" This prompts your mind to search for reasons and evidence of your confidence, which can help reinforce a positive self-image.

Here are some examples of askfirmations:

1. "Why am I so capable?"

2. "How can I find success in this situation?"

3. "Why do I attract positive opportunities?"

4. "How can I improve my health and well-being?"

5. "Why do I have abundant energy and enthusiasm?"

By using askfirmations, individuals aim to reprogram their thought patterns, build self-confidence, and encourage a more positive and solution-oriented mindset.

Askfirmations eliminate the resistance that might arise when you try to convince yourself using “I am” affirmations. 

Over the years, I've built multiple income streams on the Internet as a digital investor, niche blogger, and data analyst.

Yes, I've put in the work, but I've also put in the work when it comes to boosting my mindset to create more wealth and abundance.

Remember, when it comes to manifestation, you don't need to search for anything to happen, you need to remind yourself that it's already yours, and so it shall be!

This sounds pretty silly to the untrained ear but I'm telling you, this stuff works. Most people work non-stop and see no results. They get fed up, give up, and spend most of their time complaining about the outcome. When instead, they can focus on soaking their minds with powerful words and beliefs.

I use askfirmations every single day of the week, they work for me, they'll work for you.

I mean, look at some of these screenshots!

Let's change your mindset right now! You can literally shift everything today!

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