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Medium Marketing Pool

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$50.00 (30% off)
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Hey! Thanks for clicking through to learn more about the Medium Marketing Pool.  

Medium is a wonderful place to meet new writers, connect with fellow digital entrepreneurs, and to hone your marketing skills.

However, it’s getting much harder to make money on there through the Medium Partner Program, people are going from earning $5000 a month to $200 a month, that difference is drastic for some people. 

So, after almost three years on the platform, and multiple pages, plus making six figures as a writer on there,

I’ve learned some of the vital techniques to market content to the right audience. So, I’ve launched our special Medium Marketing pool which is a membership system where writers sign up for one year to get included in our marketing rotation. 

We won’t write your content for you, but we’ll place you in our special marketing pool to boost your reads, followers, and income. 

Also, we have several pools for different niches therefore, your content will get shared and marketed to the relevant audience. 

This is a simple, easy, and low-cost yearly offer that anyone can afford. 

Once you sign up, you send us your link, and we begin the process. It’s that simple. 

Are you ready to join? Click the buy now button to start. 

Thank you! 

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