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Sleep Wellbeing eBook

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Sleep or the lack of it is a 21st century curse! Do you wake up feeling like you’ve never slept? Are you exhausted at night but unable to shut down, the mental chatter too great be able to relax enough to sleep? Are you constantly tired but wired? 

Chronic exhaustion is something that so many people live with today but it is so bad for our health and there are steps you can take to help reduce it. We live in a time where stress has taken over; this long-term exposure to high levels of stress puts your body in a perceived state of constant physical danger. 

It creates a situation where we are unable to relax, the 'fear of harm' response creates feelings of anxiety, unable to sleep to recharge our body systems, unable to do the one thing that will bring some balance back to our bodies systems! Sleep is the time our body restores itself, a time to recharge and rebalance a time to stop us heading into that downward spiral. 

This will not be an overnight fix (sorry) but by taking some simple steps and being consistent with them you can start to break the cycle and start to take back some control? This does not include over the counter medication but rather holistic therapies and lifestyle changes.

I hope that by following the advice in this ebook you can begin to take back control of your sleep as well as enjoying the changes to your wellbeing.

Content taster

A little bit about me.

What is sleep?

How can I fix it?

  • Find your sleep pattern.
  • Sleep hygiene.

The importance of healthy eating.

  • Address deficiences
  • Keep hydrated.

Lifestyle changes.

  • Essential oils.
  • Reducing the Stress
  • Therapies

Journalling pages

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28 pages

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