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Snowelle (PC/Quest)

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A lightning bolt strikes a snowflake as it falls through the air…

Introducing Snowelle! 

Snowelle Includes:

  • Well organized toggles for lots of customization and ease of access
  • Cracking and shattering Geometric Dissolves on everything
  • Well-represented skin tone slider
  • Gorgeous, comfortable, and customizable clothing
  • Custom sculpted body and faces
  • Custom animated facial gestures with natural transitions
  • Hue Shift for everything
  • Physbones where it counts
  • A lollipop (by Wholesome, not candy) Temporarily removed to fix a bug
  • 3 stunning hairstyle options
  • UV Discard with precision weight painting for little to no clipping

Magical Powers:

  • Invisibility
  • Falling Ice
  • Dynamic snowflake particle system on hands
  • Ice ring (It’s huge and awesome!)

After Purchasing you will need:

  • VRC Creator Companion
  • VRCFury
  • Poiomi Pro 9.0.26 (Specifically the version with Poiomi Geometric dissolve)
  • Basic knowledge of how to upload an avatar, or how to reach me in my discord server to help

Terms of service:

  • No re-use of any assets- you must buy them from the creators
  • No claiming as your own
  • No resale
  • Do not upload as “public” PRIVATE USE ONLY
  • Editing is permitted for personal use
  • No giving the model to anyone else
  • No sharing content (Not even for editing, I will upload for you if you need help)
  • No returns or refunds for digital goods
  • Please use cover photo as thumbnail <3
  • Please leave me a rating!

No gatekeeping the avatar!

The avatar has been extensively tested for quality. Should you notice any bugs or issues, please join my discord server and let me know there so I can fix it for you! <3

Instructions for PC upload:

  1. Open a new Unity 2022 avatar project
  2. Add VRCFury and SPS Wholesome Configurator before opening
  3. Open project
  4. Import Poiomi Pro 9.0.26
  5. Import Snowelle Unity Package
  6. Double click the unity project in the packages window (don't drag and drop FBX!)
  7. Upload!

Instructions for Quest upload: (There is an additional instructional video when purchased)

  1. Open a new Unity 2022 avatar project (NOT the same one as PC version)
  2. Add VRCFury and SPS Wholesome Configurator before opening
  3. Open project
  4. Import Poiomi Pro 9.0.26
  5. Import Snowelle Quest unity package
  6. Double click the unity project in the packaged window (don't drag and drop FBX!)
  7. Open VRC SDK and sign in
  8. Copy Blueprint ID from PC version and paste it in the Avatar Descriptor if you wish to use her cross platform
  9. Set the avatar project from "Windows" to "Android" in the SDK
  10. Upload!

If you need any help, have questions, or run into issues please make a ticket in my discord server and someone will be able to assist you as soon as possible! <3


Body: Zinpia | Head: Sivka | Makeup: CC | Outfit: LBP | Bikini set: Saikura | Hair: Saikura, Nessy | Shoes: QueenAnarya | Magic Effects: Phawksea | Tattoos: Naudine |

You will get the following files:
  • MP4 (327MB)
  • PNG (6MB)

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