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Opening the Seals

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A Commentary on The Revelation from a Historicist point of view

The second of two volumes, "Opening the Seals" picks up where "The Secret Ciphers" leaves off. At the end of the vision given to the Prophet Daniel, he is told to seal the vision until the time of the end. Hundreds of years later, John is given The Revelation where he sees the Lamb unsealing this book and revealing these prophecies.

The Revelation completes the vision of Daniel and the story of the final restoration of Israel and the Church, from the time of the Prophet John and into the present (and continuing on into the future.) God did not leave the Church without a road map: He explained from the beginning what was to befall the Church, both good and bad. These prophecies foretell the corruption of the Church, the Reformation, and the fall of nations, with a promise of restoration and the sovereign reign of the Lamb to come.

According to The Revelation, we are between the sixth and seventh (and final) bowls of wrath. Today, with the drying of the River Euphrates and the end of the Ottoman Empire, the stage is set for the final events of the end times and the return of the Lamb of God. Opening the Seals details these coming events, including hundred pound hail stones and the fall of Rome, to explain what is coming next and how to understand the sweeping story detailed in these powerful prophecies.
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