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Improving Your Study Skills

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If you’ve purchased this book or are thinking about doing so, you’re taking a step in the right direction. You may wonder whether you can improve your skills or whether you’re stuck the way you are. You may wonder just how much extra effort you need to make to improve your grades. The answer to both is “you can,” and this book shows you how. You can improve your grades and skills in all areas. You weren’t born with an inability to write or do well in math or any other subject. Yes, some people do have innate abilities, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do well in these subjects if you put forth the effort. Improving your study skills doesn’t mean spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week studying. Instead, you can make simple changes to how you approach your schoolwork. You can better manage your time. You can find your best method for approaching assignments. You can learn how to get extra help when needed. This book covers these topics and more. Whether your current skills are good, mediocre, or poor, you can develop study habits and attitudes that will help you not only in school, but also in your career, relationships, and all of life

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