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2024 D1 Position Log & Weighted Stat Tracker

Position Logs, Depth Charts, Weighted Stats by Park, Conference, and Team Factors!

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  • Scheduled to run automatically overnight after game days
  • More metrics coming, will be included in this subscription (team metrics, draft metrics)

Simplified, yet Informative

For the past few years, my fascination has revolved around tracking roster movements and organizational depth charts. My aim has been to develop visualizations that seamlessly integrate a player's performance with their journey towards playing time or promotion, depending on the type of organization. Initially focused on professional baseball and the minor leagues, I sought to cast a wide net in my calculations and visualizations to ensure that no deserving player missed out on an opportunity. In 2022, I expanded my scope to include the college side of the game. Through this journey, I discovered that my research could have a more direct impact on programs, players, and other stakeholders, such as student managers and reporters. This dashboard represents the culmination of my data-driven approach, offering unique insights that are not readily available elsewhere.