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Music from Thoinot Arbeau's Orchésographie arranged for ocarina

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Orchésographie, one of the most significant sources on sixteenth-century French social dance, is a rich collection of enjoyable melodies. Originally written for simple transverse or fipple flutes, the music is easy to play and very well suited to the ocarina. This book contains all of Arbeau’s melodies, transcribed into modern notation and, where necessary, transposed into the most suitable keys for ocarina. Adaptations of harmony arrangements by Peter Warlock, John Stafford Smith and Charles Wood are also included.

This book is suitable for all transverse, inline and pendant ocarinas with at least six holes. The harmony arrangements are given for transverse ocarinas in C and either F or G, and again for Langley concert pendant ocarinas in D and G. The music is also suitable for recorder consorts and just about any other treble-clef instrument.

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