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Moxie Bandana Cowl

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Have you ever thought, “I could never pull off a bandana cowl. That’s not my style.”? It sounds like you could use a little Moxie! Bandanas are no longer just for bandits and the Wild West. This jaunty little cowl will update your look—and your attitude—with a bit of spunk.

Are you second-guessing that bold colorway in your stash? Moxie’s syncopated twisted ribbing tames a daring yarn but retains the energy of high variegation. Worked from a single skein of sport weight yarn, the resulting cowl is more substantial than a lacy bit of nothing but more versatile than a worsted weight muffler. The bandana shape allows for coverage in the front and on the shoulders without the bulk behind the neck—perfect for tucking inside a coat.

The cowl is knit from the bottom up, worked flat at first, using increases on every other row to create the tapered front. Additional stitches are then cast on and joined to work in the round to form the neck. A few quick calculations and the help of a scale will let you use up as much of that fabulous yarn as possible.

Moxie is easy to slip over your head and walk out the door with confidence. Wear it with the point in front or draped over one shoulder—there’s no wrong way. And the inside of the work is attractive, too, so there’s no need to fuss about it showing. Effortless style with lots of moxie!

Sample used about 324 yd. (296 m)/97 g of Malabrigo Arroyo in the Aniversario colorway.
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