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One Hour Travel Planning Consultation

Stop feeling overwhelmed - let's work together to plan the trip you want to take!

Be Confident in your Travel

Stop letting analysis paralysis take over and ruin your next trip. Sometimes you just need someone to talk it out with, or better yet, a travel expert to help guide you towards the best options for your upcoming travels.

That's where I come in! With 18 years of trip planning experience, including solo travel, family travel, and multi-generational travel, I'm ready to share my travel planning knowledge and tips to help you plan the trip you've been hoping for.

Unsure of where to stay? Trouble finding flights? Don't know what to do or how to book it? Let me search along with you, share my favorite tips, and help you feel less stress and more confidence in your plans!

Meet Meggie

Mom of three, and travel enthusiast, I've traveled to 14 countries, 29 states, and 29 of the US National Parks - and adding to the list every year.

I've studied abroad in Europe, taught in Washington DC, and have called Utah and its amazing adventure opportunities home for the last 20 years.

I'm the face behind Parks Family Travel - a travel blog focusing on family travel planning and exploring the national parks. I can't wait to chat with you all about your travels and help you along the way!

Before Your Session...

Please fill out the form below to help me know where you will want to focus our time. After purchase, you will be sent a follow up email and a calendar invite to pick a time for our call.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your client account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there. I use Calendly to share my availability and work to have lots of time options available. You can also email me if none of the times available work for you.

Is it possible to buy more than one hour?

For sure! You simply need to purchase a one hour consult again and sign up for an additional hour. If available, you can book it back to back with your first hour, but I recommend booking it a few days later so you have time to follow up with what we discussed.

How much can we cover in an hour?

It will depend on how clear your vision is for the trip, but usually, we will be able to focus on and have a good game plan for one of the following within an hour: Accommodations, flights, or activities.