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Guide eBook Heart Health Secrets

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Part One All about Heart Attacks

Chapter 1: What is a Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction?

• Symptoms of a Heart Attack or MI

• How to Diagnose a Heart Attack or MI?

• Chest Pain – Cardiogenic VS Non-Cardiogenic •

What Your Medical Professional Will Do

Chapter 2: Severe Complications of a Heart Attack •

Heart Failure • Valvular Heart Disease

• Cardiogenic Shock

• Vasodilatory Shock

• Pulmonary Embolism

• Arrhythmias

• Broken Heart Syndrome

• Myocardial Aneurysm

Chapter 3: How to Provide Emergency Care at the Time of Heart Attack?

• The 6 Signs of a Heart Attack

• Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

• What To Do Before Help Arrives

• What To Do If You Are Having A Heart Attack When You’re Alone

Chapter 4: All About ‘Risk Factors’ for Heart Diseases

• Genetic or Family History

• Obesity and its Effects

• Poor Diet, The wrong foods, Clogged Heart Vessels - Strokes

• Smoking

• Drinking

• High Cholesterol

• Physical Activity

Part Two How to Naturally Have a Healthy Heart

Chapter 5 Make Your Heart Healthy and Strong with These Lifestyle Changes

• Diet: The Importance of a Healthy Diet

• Exercise - The best Heart Exercises

• Stress Reduction

• Environmental Conditions, Clean Air and Water

Chapter 6: Healthy Heart Remedies

• Fish Oil and other Supplements

• Vitamins and their Importance

• Enzymes in Foods

• Antioxidants

• Factory Farming VS Organic Foods

• Detox - the real story

• Meditative Cures, Reflexology and Mindfulness

• Super Foods for Heart Health Conclusion

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