High-altitude magnetic levitation house of the future 未來高空磁力懸浮房屋
In addition to preventing floods, the design concept of the high-altitude magnetic levitation house is that all the houses are positioned according to the attraction of the high-altitude levitation track. All the houses can run forward or backward according to the magnetic field of the levitation track. All the houses are designed with transparent and bright glass. The high-altitude roundabout house on the suspension track. The inside faces the forest and the outside faces the sea. It's so spectacular and beautiful! Everyone has a self-propelled aircraft on their property! Everyone has access to their own aircraft!
除了防洪之外,高空磁浮房屋的設計理念是所有房屋都根據高空磁浮軌道的吸引力進行定位。 所有的房屋都可以根據懸浮軌道的磁場向前或向後運行。 所有房屋均採用透明明亮的玻璃設計。 懸索軌道上的高空迴旋屋。 房子裡面面向森林,外面面向大海。 真是太壯觀太美麗了! 每個人的房產上都擁有一架自行式飛機! 每個人都可以使用自己個人的飛行代步工具!