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Starseed Encoded for Calling Your Spirit Guides Hypnosis/Meditation

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TIMELESS: On 4/4/2023 I had the most beautiful encounter with the 'White Light Beings" and another group as I was working on the Krysted (Crystalline) white flame codes and anchoring them into planet earth's new ley lines. I was prompted to do this recording to help others get into deeper states of theta and delta to contact and connect with their guides and more of the message can be found on my YouTube site at Doc Starseed. (Please go visit there and like and subscribe as I have shared over 70 videos to help others in this ascension process.) Whether you are new to contacting your guides or are an old pro, WE ARE BEING CALLED and once again LOUDLY, being encouraged to ASK for their help. Remember, Universal Law of Non-interference means that they can't help us unless we ask. This recording will also help you during the day to pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you and see when they have been Divinely placed there for you to pay attention to. You are being asked to step up and claim your abilities so you can be a gift to others. This helps you use the Divine Portal Energy and encodings safely and just being committed to a full listen will tell your Guides you are ready for more! Know that you are needed and loved more than you can ever imagine! Happy portaling! Love/Light, Doc.

You will NOT want to do this while DRIVING. Often people hear the start of my hypnosis tapes and the end, and nothing in between - so if that happens - all the better!! Hypnosis can be defined as a deeper Theta and even deeper DELTA state than some can achieve in meditation and the encoding is completely safe because your Guides have been called in to guide, protect and UP-level you.

****NOTE: This is a 20 minute MP4 file so you may only be able to download on your computer depending on the size. I re-checked the download on 11/7/2023 and it works. If there are any issues, just send Doc an email. Don't do while driving. It is TIMELESS and FUN happenings reported as people open up!

You will get a MP4 (869MB) file