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The Energy Of Visualization

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The ultimate guide for those who want to use their creativity's special spark to reroute their life's path and design their future is visualization. Most significantly, this blueprint will show you how to overcome commonplace obstacles to success in visualization and how to make your goals come true! This ebook, which is supported by science, will teach you all you need to know about using the immense power of your ideas to change your life.

Subjects covered:

  •  The little-known secret about your thoughts and how you may use them to your advantage
  •  The absurd beliefs and misconceptions about visualization that prevent people from benefiting from it
  •  The key difference between visualization and meditation, as well as how you might benefit from either.
  •  Three well-respected scientific studies attest to the effectiveness of visualization.
  •  Four facts about how imagery affects the mind that most people are unaware of.
  •  The one factor that is preventing you from using visualization effectively.
  •  How to use your mind's "Reticular Activating System" to seek for opportunities that are lurking in plain sight all around you.
  •  Seven benefits of visualization and how to benefit from them.
  •  How to use visualization to control stress and worry.
  •  The secret to acquiring the challenging new skills you've long dreamed for. 
  •  How your low level of shallowness keeps you from achieving your most audacious aspirations.
  •  Do you do any of the eight mistakes that prevent visualization from becoming powerful?
  •  The main obstacle to successful visualizing.
  •  Eleven powerful visualization techniques you can start using right now to transform your life.
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