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The Orthodox Word #7

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The Orthodox Word #7
3 St. Mark the Anchorite from the Great Collection (in Greek) of the Lives of the Saints
14 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: Pray Without Ceasing from the Life of St. Gregory Palamas
20 The Sunday of Orthodoxy by Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich
24 The Resurrection of Christ
27 An Appeal to Patriarch Athenagoras by Metropolitan Philaret
31 The Ecumenical Patriarchate by Theoklitos, Monk of Dionysiou
37 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World
39 New Books
40 A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: An Introduction

WITH THIS ISSUE The Orthodox Word begins its second year of publication. After one year our idea concerning the purpose of such a periodical has not changed: "to preach the truths of Orthodox Christianity, and in so doing to draw together those of like mind so as to offer a united witness of these truths." If anything, the events of the past year have only served to prove the need of an uncompromising and outspoken voice which could speak to and for those who wish to live and preserve the genuine Orthodoxy that has come down to us through the Holy Fathers. To do this our principal means will remain the presentation of basic Orthodox material, setting forth the faith and practice of the Church of Christ.
Another aspect of our purpose has found expression in reports and comments on contemporary happenings of general interest in the Orthodox world. It is in such articles that The Orthodox Word has aroused a certain amount of controversy, and the present issue will be found certainly no less "controversial" than its predecessors. One cannot, however, defend only the past of Orthodoxy; one must fight for it in the present as well – and never have there been more enemies of the Church, both within and without, than there are today. Here, of course, one must exercise caution as well as zeal; accordingly we have attempted to present, not our own personal opinions alone, but the thinking of the faithful Church, relying as much as possible upon the words of contemporary hierarchs and other authoritative spokesmen who are the true defenders of the Church in our day.
In our first year we have found an encouraging response from our readers, and for this we are most grateful. We invite, again, any contributions or comments, and, realizing our own weakness and inadequacy, we sincerely ask the prayers of all, that, despite its deficiency, our work may be of some use in the Lord's harvest.
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