The 3-Step Forgiveness Plan for LOVE
If you have a hard time trusting a new person...
If you have a hard time letting go of past hurt...
If you have a hard time opening up to new love and romance, this program is for YOU!
It takes 21 days to form a new habit; let's try the habit of letting go of resentment. Lost love? Lost trust? Regrets about romance? Learn to let go.
There is nothing to do but to follow the steps in this course, and properly read the non-deonominational Forgiveness Invocation at least once, ideally thrice, a day and notice the change.
The self-study course is enhanced by valuable insight about the causes and effects of resentment and teaches you how to get to the beautiful, health-inspiring benefits of truly letting go and moving into a space of having an open heart to:
* allow love
* trust opportunities
* become more confident in your choices
* create healthy boundaries
* know what you want from a partner
* enjoy the bliss of a true and healthy union with another person.
Simply follow these steps and notice the change. You will find yourself more open, more trusting, more courageous to find new love. Why not give it a try? All you have to lose is the illusionary safety of loneliness...