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The Promised

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Upon the Secundus, seven hundred years of war finally came to an end with the Reckoning when the demon, Asmeodai, was imprisoned by the Ordained, those chosen among the three realms to protect its people. That was until the next Secundus when Cyaika released him. Freed, he intends to devour all in his path to open the gate between the world of the living and the demons of Hades. He will not rest until he has his revenge on the three realms. In his wake, Asmeodai left Nennius a desert and the Darkening fell upon Witheleghe, leaving only Scarladin untouched by his wrath.

Kela Calledwelle has been born with a destiny, a Euchoun whose one purpose in life is to protect. She must summon the courage to face the path fate has dictated to her. She knows her parents made the ultimate sacrifice to give her and her siblings a chance to live. Yet, in so doing, they have left their children unprepared to face the danger that awaits—Asmeodai.

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