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The Ultimate Guide to Freshwater Aquariums

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What's an Aquarium, Anyway?

 Nearly everyone has seen an aquarium somewhere: at a friend's house, restaurant, party, or business. Aquariums provide enjoyment for all who see them, and once you start looking, you’ll notice them in lots of places.

 The word “aquarium” actually comes from the Latin words “aqua,” meaning water and “rium,” meaning place or building. Basically, it's a water building!

 There are literally thousands of different types of aquariums that you can purchase right now, and the detailing that you can do is more than extensive - it's borderline ridiculous.

 You can choose from a simple fishbowl as are often found in children's rooms to a detailed and advanced ecosystem of filtered water, numerous fish, and live plants.

I've been maintaining freshwater aquariums for over 25 years!

In that time, I've developed a foolproof 'formula' for setting up beautiful freshwater aquarium tank with perfect water conditions that maximize the health, energy, and awareness of your fish for years to come, and virtually eliminate any chance that your fish will ever get sick.

I've compiled all my knowledge into an easy to follow, downloadable guide called “The Ultimate Guide to Freshwater Aquariums.”

This system is guaranteed to teach you everything you need to know about freshwater aquarium care and help you maximize some of the most endearing traits of these unique fish that live in this environment.

I know that's a bold promise and it might sound a little "over the top" ...but it's true, and I can back up every word.

"The ultimate Guide to Freshwater Aquariums" covers all of this, and a lot more.

And when you read it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY with how simple it really is to maintain your freshwater aquarium.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover..


  • A complete guide to water conditions and how to easily maintain proper water quality.
  • The surprisingly diverse options in types of aquariums from which to choose for your freshwater fish.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to choose a freshwater aquarium.
  • Recommendations on what stands to buy for your aquarium to rest on – and why this seemingly small decision may play a big role in your success!
  • A crash course on the most important equipment your freshwater aquarium needs before you put a single fish in it.
  • Why the substrate matters! This guide also explains what substrate is and what exactly it means to your fish.
  • The 4 types of substrate to avoid at any cost. As soon as you download the eBook, you’ll want to turn to this section.
  • What a pH level is and why it’s important to the health of your fish and the overall environment in your freshwater aquarium.
  • How to choose freshwater fish.
  • 6 crucial factors to consider before you buy any fish.
  • Which fish you should never add to your Freshwater aquarium. This is an important one! Put the wrong fish together and they could eat each other alive!
  • Why the wrong type of lighting can kill your freshwater fish.
  • How to transport your fish home from the pet store and safely into your freshwater aquarium.
  • 8 Essential characteristics you should look for when you buy your freshwater aquarium.
  • How to recognize a healthy fish when you see one. This one section alone is worth downloading the freshwater aquarium system.
  • An entire chapter devoted to feeding your freshwater fish properly.
  • All about the health of your Freshwater aquarium fish and marine animals including tips on how to recognize some of the more common diseases.
  • The dangers of using commercially prepared medications to cure your freshwater fish of illnesses.
  • How to set up a hospital tank for your sick fish. This is one of the best-kept secrets of the professionals.
  • A crash course on proper maintenance of your freshwater tank to minimize any problems.
  • Instructions on just how often to change the water in your freshwater aquarium and why.
  • An entire chapter devoted to living plants for your freshwater aquarium.
  • A handy chart showing you what type of light you need for the type of plants you’ve chosen. (Yes, this is one chart you MUST view before you buy those plants!)
  • How to tell if your freshwater aquarium is experiencing “algae bloom” and what to do about it.
  • The different types of macronutrients your freshwater plants need and why.
  • And that's not nearly all.
  • You'll discover much more in this rare and candid freshwater aquarium care system.
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