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Josh (PC/SPS)

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  • FBT Ready
  • Physbones
  • GoGo Loco
  • SPS Lollipop
  • Skin Radial
  • Color Customization
  • Brightness/Grayscale Radial
  • 20+ Toggles

  1. Use Creator Companion & create a Unity 22.3.22F1 project in CC
  2. ADD VRCFury (free and works with DPS/TPS) ONLY NEEDED FOR SPS VERSION
  3. Import 𝘗𝘰𝘪𝘺𝘰𝘮𝘪 Pro 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 9.1.7+ ( NEED FOR PC AND OPTI)
  4. Import Avi Package
  5. Remove Blueprint ID (If Needed)
  6. Upload or Edit!
  7. In the case VRCFury prompts you to fix write defaults - do not choose the fix option, skip (otherwise this will break the avatar)
  8. IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: When turning on the snapback make sure you're standing still to prevent the hair from locking in an awkward position (this is mostly because I set it up where it would disable Physbones when its on to prevent weird clipping caused by the hair moving) This may break when entering new worlds.

You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (1GB) file

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