Peripeteia (Master Session)
On Sale
Peripeteia is a Christian Hip Hop song recorded by Jupiter Rueda de Leon also known as Aeileon. The song went through several engineers on Fiverr before being released. Jupiter Rueda de Leon purchased the instrumental through Jee Juh Productions and recorded his vocals at Free Age Music Group Studios in Columbus, Ohio. Jupiter Rueda de Leon owns all rights to his vocal recordings and also has legal rights to sell and distribute the instrumental portion of the song as well. The zip folder contains 1.2 gigs of data and includes the full tracked out session and file stems. The payment enables access to the files, but if you are planning on selling and/ or generating any revenue off the media within you will have to pay Jupiter Rueda de Leon aka Aeileon his fair percentages. You can reach Jupiter Rueda de Leon aka Aeileon at jupiterdeleon79@gmail.com, only1aeileon@gmail.com, or freeagemusicllc@gmail.com
614-300-0451 or through his social media account on Instagram at: FreeAgeMusicGroup or Jupiter_Rueda_de_Leon
614-300-0451 or through his social media account on Instagram at: FreeAgeMusicGroup or Jupiter_Rueda_de_Leon