Legends of the Destrati - Volume 3
Among Ethereals, Clan Destrati’s reputation and exploits are as renowned as the associates it boasts.
Within these pages are but a few of their legends.
Redemption – The most formidable Knight of the clan, Ian fears nothing, save never being able to avenge his daughter. Unable to accept the impossibility of it never happening, he gets word that his eternal enemy is within reach. But that word is brought by the Betrayer, Kyle Carillron. Everything Ian believes is called into question, as well as everything he knows.
A Hope and a Prayer – Not the largest of the vampire clans, but the most powerful because they are Allied: common knowledge among Ethereals regarding Clan Destrati. Just whom they are allied with is unknown to all but a select few, including exiled queen Sarina. To contact their ally, she will need some heavy assistance, and she knows just who to ask. Whether or not Kyle will kill her on sight is a risk she’ll have to take.
Unmasked – All Hallow’s Eve has long been an annoyance for Kyle. It is especially so now that the Destrati Queen has taken it upon herself to include him in various affairs the clan hosts. A Halloween party seems the perfect time to remind her that sometimes the mask really is a monster.