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About Me

Hello! Thank you for visiting my store ... I'm Alison

šŸ”„ Best Selling Author of Eight Seasons: Walking In Rhythm With Nature

šŸ”„ Astrologer & Alchemist

Whatever you want to know about astrology, tarot, symbolism and intuition I have something to help you here!

I've led workshops, held group programs and given readings all over the UK and appeared in magazines and on local radio stations. I know my subject inside out and back to front!

Especially dear to my heart has always been sharing the information of the stars. We are all able to shift our energy forwards (fast) into our best version of our self and to walk with the flow of earth energies.

I help you connect you with the earth so you can hear your own inner language!

Nothing is fated or absolute destiny as we all have free will and decide our choices through life! 


I love cake, live music, camping and watching the seasons as they turn!