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$12K A Month Online Passive Income Business!

It's true!

In this 5 day online workshop I will show you how to setup your very own passive income machine so that you can build a $12k a month passive income!

Yep... This is for real!

This blueprint takes you by the hand, gets you setup correctly with a passive income foundation/machine, and shows you how to add passive income streams each month to your business until your making $12k a month in passive income.

Each month for 12 months, you’ll add $1000 in passive income to your passive income machine. You also have some other options if you don't want to setup 12 different income streams and I'll share those options with you in this workshop. 😉

Each day for 5 days you'll join me and watch as I show you exactly what to do to build a passive income machine that you can grow to a $12k a month passive income generator!

Literally everything you need to know, every tool you'll need, all my processes, and more are included in this workshop...

Day 1: Getting Started With Your Passive Income Machine

Today we're going to start off by setting you up for SUCCESS! I'm going to lay the entire $12k a month passive income plan out for you so you know exactly what we're going to be doing throughout the entire 5 days AND beyond as you go off and keep building this thing yourself!

Once you're fully ready to get started, we will then go over what niches are the best for creating your passive income machine in. There are some great niches out there, but only a few are optimal for building passive incomes in. I’ll show you exactly what niches are working, so you’ll be guaranteed to be in the right niche to make the most money. Not only that, but I'll be giving you 17 different passive income stream options that you can use within your passive income machine to reach your $12k a month goal. This will blow you away!

By the end of today you will have a complete plan of action for building your own $12k a month passive income machine!

Day 2: Building Your Passive Income Machine Foundation

Today is a big day because we're going to be building our passive income machine! Before you can make any money at all you need a good strong passive income machine foundation in place. I’ll show you every component you need and you’ll get to watch me build a passive income machine foundation (including ALL the techy stuff) right before your eyes!

One you get through this day, you'll have your very own passive income machine ready to go and load your passive income streams into it!

Day 3: Picking Your First $1000 A Month (Or More) Passive Income Stream

Once you have your passive income machine ready to go, you’ve got to find something that will allow you to make your first $1000 a month passive income stream. I’ll show you how to find passive income streams and how to pick the best and easiest one to get started with! This is your first step in creating that $12k a month passive income!

By the end of today you'll have your first passive income ready to place inside of your passive income machine and start making money PASSIVELY!

Day 4: Creating Your $12k A Month Passive Income Battle Plan

Once you have your passive income machine setup and you’ve got it making you your first $1000 a month passive income stream, you’re going to need more income streams to hit your $12k a month passive income goal.

I’ll be showing you how to go back to your passive income stream options, pick another one, and add it to your passive income machine. You'll simply repeat this process until you've worked your way to meeting your $12k a month passive income goal! AND... I'll show you how to get it all done within a year!

You’ll be shown how to take every passive income stream you pick, and make a complete plan to implement one a month so you can hit your $12k a month passive income goal! Imagine this time next year looking back and being thankful that you started in on this journey!

By the end of today you'll be ready to head out on your own and carry out your plan. And don't worry... I'm here for the long term to help you throughout your first year on this journey, so if you run into any questions or problems, just reach out to me and I'll help you!

By the end of today you’re going to be ready to fly on your own… Almost! 😉

Day 5: How To Run Your Passive Income Machine To Keep It Pumping Out The Income

The great thing about passive income is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it. Once you have your passive income machine all setup you can spend 1-2 hours a few days a week on it and your passive income streams just keep spitting out money!

Today, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do each week in the shortest amount of time to run your passive income machine so you can make the most amount of money in the least amount of time.

By the end of today, you'll be ready to fly on your own! You'll know exactly what to do each day to keep adding passive income streams to your passive income machine until you meet your $12K a month goal. You'll also know exactly what to do to keep your passive income machine spitting out money with the least amount of work as possible!

Get started today

Just $27 gets you access
