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Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Allegro) arranged for ukulele ensemble

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Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is one of the most recognisable works of classical music. It was composed in 1787 for string quartet with optional double bass, although these days is most commonly performed by string orchestras. This arrangement brings the piece into the world of the ukulele to be performed, like the original, by a small ensemble.

The title of the piece is commonly, but incorrectly, translated as A Little Night Music – the correct translation would be A Little Serenade. However, it is generally believed that Mozart didn’t intend to give the piece a specific title, merely noting in his records that he had composed “a little serenade”. The work is in fact a suite of four movements, although this arrangement is only of the first movement, that being the piece most commonly associated with the title.
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