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Lucid Dreamer - Take Control Over Your Dreams (Quantum Boosted Morphic Field)

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"Lucid dreaming is the gateway to a universe where the impossible becomes possible."

Morphic fields embbeded in this audio programming will induce lucid dream to the listener, it is a state in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can consciously control their dream environment and actions.

There are infinite possibilities of what can you do in lucid dream that you couldn't even imagine. When you enter the portal to the lucid dream world by falling asleep, you can for example visit any place or time, real or imagined, meet and interact with dream characters, including deceased loved ones or historical figures, fly through the dream world, explore your own subconscious mind or simply enjoy the dream world and all of its possibilities.


  • Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool for personal growth, problem-solving, creativity, and stress reduction.
  • Increased self-awareness - Lucid dreaming can help individuals become more self-aware and introspective, leading to personal growth and development.
  • Improved problem-solving skills - By practicing problem-solving in lucid dreams, individuals can enhance their ability to solve problems in their waking lives.
  • Enhanced creativity - Lucid dreaming can provide a platform for exploring and experimenting with new ideas and perspectives, which lead to enhanced creativity.
  • Improved sleep quality - By engaging in lucid dreaming, individuals may feel more in control of their dreams, leading to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

⏲️ Best listened right before sleeping. ⏲️

🛈 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗺 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻? - Playing this version of audio at any device utilizes cutting-edge quantum morphic entanglement technology to tap into the very fabric of the universe, accessing the quantum morphic fields that exist all around us. With its advanced custom-tuned quantum resonators, this version is capable of detecting and analyzing even the subtlest variations in the quantum field. By precisely modulating the quantum wave functions within your body, drastically making postitve impact on the total efficiency of the audio.

You will get a WAV (43MB) file

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