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Walking In Divine Favor

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There are so many people who don't expect good things to happen to them. In fact, people really get mad at me because they think that I'm too positive. I'm not just a positive thinker; in fact, I'm not dealing with the power of positive thinking. I'm dealing with the power of revelation knowledge. However, when you have something revealed to you from the Word of God, it causes you to become very positive. You'll have a positive attitude, and you'll expect to win in every adversity. Doubt and insecurity will vanish as you become more and more conscious of just how much favor and honor you have been given by God. John 12:26 says, ...if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. If you've chosen to serve Jesus, then Jesus Himself said because of your decision, "My Father will honor you." Hallelujah! When you're honored by someone, then you can expect to receive preferential treatment.

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