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I am enough

Your 5 day course to boost your self-esteem.

Do you struggle to see your own self-worth?

Do you put everyone ahead of your own needs?

Do you struggle to set boundaries?

Is your internal negative dialogue running your life?

If so then this is the course for you.

Are you enough?

Our experiences shape our world and unfortunately some of the negative ones can impact our self-esteem greatly.

In this 5-day course I talk you through a topic each day which helps you to reflect on those experiences and how we can use them to form a more positive outlook on life.

We also explore building new habits that will help boost your self-esteem like never before.

I appreciate that you are busy so these tips and tricks are ones that you can add to your life easily.

The course itself will only need 10 minutes of your day and I've even included an MP3 format so that you can download and listen while on the move!

Are you ready to add some much-needed sparkle?

I’m guessing if you are reading this then the answer is yes!

Shall we get started?

Click on the link below to access your free 5-day boost to your self-esteem.

I look forward to working with you.

Lisa Waker 

Access your FREE 5 day course here

You ARE enough


What's covered in the course:

Day 1

The focus is on the power of positive affirmation, why it works and how to make it impactful and affective.

Day 2

The Power of the subconscious mind, what we focus on and how can we change this to a more positive outlook.

Day 3

The labels that we’ve been given and how to distance ourselves from them, exploring the power of the language we use towards ourselves.

Day 4

How to become the best friend to yourself and why this is important.

Day 5

How to distance yourself from negative behaviour and setting effective boundaries.

Each day is introduced by a short video to help set the topic as well as a downloadable Daily Self-Care planner PDF that guides you in how to get the best out of your day and helps you to stay focused.