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3rd Eye Chakra & EMF Clearing

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This MP3 was recorded on Nov 11th - 11.11am - 11.44am = 33mins - Includes:
* EMF radiation from the pituitary gland, as I see this in many clients how EMF/Radiation/Cell phones/IPADS are impacting the 3rd eye and physical eyes!

* Mental Stress & Pressure build up – worry, anxiety, negative thoughts, confusion.
* Etheric Cobwebbing
* Genetic imprint & patterning cleanse
* Cutting etheric cords of disharmony & manipulation.
* Imprint clearing - Subliminal Programmes - Mind Control
* Illumination - brings the energetic signature or code of Gods Light into the cell, organ or system to bring an awakening of TRUTH. restore harmony and balance to body mind and spirit

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra. Located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight.

Intuition - Dreams – Visions - Knowledge - Clairvoyance -
Awakening - Colour is Indigo
Emotions: Peace/confusion
Gland: Pituitary/Endocrine
Oil: Jasmine, Patchouli

Body Parts: Pituitary Gland, Endocrine system, Eyes, Sinus, Nose, Autonomic Nervous System.

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Azurite, Celestite

3rd Eye Chakra imbalances
• Unable to see the bigger picture, feeling stuck in life, cant see beyond 3D Linear perception.
• Feeling ungrounded, spaced out, ‘off with the pixies’
• Overstimulated 3rd eye may manifest as seeing illusions/delusions, fantasy all which seem more real than reality.
• Unable to set goals and visions for the future. To see beyond what is now.
• Rejection of everything spiritual, unseen or impossibilities
• Unable to focus, lack of clarity and foresight.
• Memory problems
* Brain, Eye disorders and diseases

DO NOT DRIVE A CAR or OPERATE MACHINERY while receiving this clearing or listening to the MP3 Recording.
You will get a M4A (16MB) file

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